8 Key Benefits of Modular Construction

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What are the benefits of Modular Construction?

Increasingly, companies across the UK are turning to Modern Methods of Construction to deliver their building projects. What is the reason for this shift?

Modular construction has been highlighted as one of the only solutions to solve the UK construction challenges and is proven to have the edge over traditional building methods across multiple markets. As a result, modular construction has been thrust into the mainstream, allowing companies within construction and property development to reap the benefits.

We are going to discuss the eight key benefits of modular construction and how this innovative form of construction can help you in your construction projects. 

1. Faster Build Method 

One thing we all want in a building project is speed and efficiency, combined with accuracy. Compared to a traditional build, a construction project that takes advantage of modular methods can be completed in almost half the time — without sacrificing quality. 

The reason for this difference is for modular buildings, the majority of construction is completed off-site. The work that occurs on-site can proceed in parallel with the off-site construction, allowing the project to progress far more quickly. 

Modular construction projects mean less waiting for other aspects of the project to be finished. They are not constrained by the same logistical issues that traditional builds can sometimes fall victim to. 

Example: AFC Bournemouth Case Study – Find out more here

2. Minimal disruption

As mentioned above, modular construction projects are mainly developed off-site. As a direct result, on-site disruption is greatly minimised.

For those unfamiliar with a modular approach, the building is manufactured in modules, or parts, and are built in a separate location to where they are erected. These modules are then delivered to the final location, where they are assembled to create the finished building. This process means there are fewer personnel on-site, fewer vehicles, and therefore less disruption on-site in general. 

3. A greener solution

 We should all be looking for more ways to minimise our impact on the environment, and it’s important we do this for construction projects too. Modular buildings produce less waste, pollution and are generally more sustainable for a number of reasons. 

Modular buildings reduce waste through rigorous pre-planning. A thorough plan of the build means that the amount of waste material is drastically reduced because no parts or materials will be over ordered. Also, because the majority of work is conducted in a controlled environment off-site, this allows for very precise and accurate work, resulting in minimal waste. 

recent study from building.co.uk found that a reduction in carbon emissions of 45% can be observed in some cases. 

4. Reduced chance of error and delay

In any construction project, sometimes things happen that are out of your control. For example, in a traditional build, a key delivery of materials does not arrive to site on-time, meaning a phase of the build must be delayed. The logistics of traditional construction are complex and prone to error. Materials are often ordered from various suppliers from across the country, or sometimes even further afield, which creates the possibility of some shipments arriving late. 

Modular is the opposite. Assembling modular buildings is much more straightforward. Materials come from fewer suppliers, and the modules arrive in complete pieces, the majority of which are assembled before heading to site. 

Modular construction is a more reliable, standardised and consistent process. The knock-on effects of one change or delay are less dramatic. The logistical challenges of the delivery and build are less severe, and a good modular construction project manager will have them well in hand so that you know what to expect. 

5. Modern quality

The quality of prefabricated buildings was questioned in the past. Today, however, modular methods match, and mostly exceed, the quality of traditional construction. 

Technology and the processes involved in creating the materials for modules have vastly improved since the first modular buildings, resulting in higher quality structures. The quality control over the materials used has become stricter, which also mitigates the risk to quality. 

These materials are made to order and are assembled in a controlled environment. On conventional building sites, materials can often be left on-site exposed to the elements, for example, leading to faster deterioration.

Human error is also minimised thanks to the modular building process. The modules are made to exact measurements, so they can fit effortlessly together with great precision. When this is done off-site, it also reduces the likelihood of any issues with the quality of the build.

ExampleBreewood School Case Study – indistinguishable from a traditional building. Find out more here.

6. Safer construction process

The majority of injuries in construction happen on-site. Thanks to the reduced time on-site, modular building reduces the risks to construction personnel.

When it comes to erecting the final building, there are fewer machines on-site and less time spent working at height, which also helps minimise the risk to safety. 

The insurance company Chubb identifies various areas in which modular construction improves the safety of construction projects, including reduced risk of at-height incidents, reduced risk of inattention, and reduced risk of weather related injuries. 

7. Avoiding noise pollution

Noise pollution is often overlooked when planning construction projects. It’s mainly an issue that affects developments that are in built-up or suburban areas, with people living close to the site itself. The nature of modular construction means fewer trips to site are required, which leads to less noise pollution. 

Noise pollution is something that more and more city councils,  are taking into account when allowing for construction projects to take place. 

8. Get more for your budget

Last but not least, Modular construction is up to 20% more affordable for a number of reasons:

  • Standardisation means shorter design period and design costs
  • Less time on-site 
  • Construction in controlled, off-site environment 
  • Economy of scales (materials bought in bulk)
  • Less chance of errors needing costly correction
  • Streamlined process that requires less labour

In total, it can cost up to 20% less when using modern methods of construction compared to traditional construction. 

This gives you more freedom to order exactly the building you need. You can avoid the need to compromise on your vision for budgetary reasons. 

This is what makes modular construction so attractive to companies today.

Make your next project modular

Modular construction is a streamlined process that is superior in many ways to the methods of construction we have grown accustomed to.

Modulek are experts at helping to plan and deliver modular projects for a variety of industries. Do you have a building project in the planning stages? Are you concerned about the budget or timeline of a current project? Talk to us today to find out how modular construction can help you

if you want to find out more about modular construction, download our complete guide